The online platform
for registering and documenting creditors' accounts for the purpose of voting on the preventive settlement proposal for Saad Specialist Hospital Company

We invite you to fill out the registration form to attend the voting meeting session, which will be held via the Zoom platform, by entering the link
Dear creditor
Accordance to the decision of the Commercial Court in Dammam to open the preventive settlement procedure for Saad Specialist Hospital Company and set the date of voting on the proposal to be on Wednesday 20/11/1445H corresponding to 26/06/2024 AD at 11 am KSA time and close on Thursday 21/11/1445H, corresponding to 27/06/2024AD at 11 am
To be able to view the proposal and vote on it, each creditor must initiate registration on this platform and complete the activation and authentication procedures, bearing in mind that this platform is only intended for creditors according to the records list of debts submitted in the proposal.
For more information about the registration and activation steps for creditors, you can enter and read the instructions by clicking on the
the platform's entry instructions link
If you are a creditor with a claim number issued by the trustee and have difficulty registering? You can contact the technical support email
[email protected]
Knowing that this email is limited to receiving inquiries and technical problems related to the platform. Else You can communicate directly with the management of Saad Specialist Hospital Company